Supply Purchase Procedures
Chemistry Stock Room
Obtain a monthly ISR from Tina and have Mary sign it as needed. Leave it with the stockroom for all
supply to be purchased during the month.
the sales slips to track monthly usage.
LN2 ~$0.85 per liter
C02 ~$0.60 per lb
Ethanol ~$12 per gallon
Water Ice
Water Ice obtained for the chemistry departments large ice machine in the basement of Davidson Hall. Go to the chemistry office and borrow a key to get into the room. The ice machine and can easily fill all six of our ice coolers and recharge itself by the end of the day. For smaller amounts of ice the physics department’s ice machine can be used but it doesn’t produce very much ice and can’t keep up with a large demand. It can only fill about one cooler per day.
Deionized Water
Deionized water can be obtained for use in the 2305/06 labs and demonstrations from the tap in CHEMP 130A. We have about five 5-gallon containers for transporting it. The tap delivers the water fairly slowly. It takes several minutes to fill a 5-gallon container so plan to fill the container well in advance of when they will be needed. For use in the 2215/16 labs obtain deionized water from Robeson Room 10.
Paper Towels
Paper Towels for lab and demonstration use can be obtained from the housekeeping staff in the building where they are to be used. The housekeeping staff is sometimes difficult to track down on short notice so it is good to keep a small stock of paper towels in the area that will use them in advance of when they are actually needed. For the 2215/16 labs paper towels are kept in a box above cabinet D1
CO2 Fire extinguisher recharge
Michael G. Moore
Fire Protection Specialist
Building Repair and Maintenance (0529)
Physical Plant Department
Sterrett Facilities Complex
Office: (540) 231-7835
Send an ISR to Physical Plant to have Simplex-Gimnel come and pick them up to be filled. I am told that it takes up to about a month to have them taken care of so advanced planning is require to keep full extinguisher on hand for demonstrations.
$12 test, $15 fill, $27 total per extinguisher.
Heavener Hardware
The physics department maintains an open purchase order at Heavener Hardware. The shop make regular trips there for supplies and can often pick up what is need when they are there. After the purchase give the sale slip to Judy.
Disposal of broken glass items
Broken glass needs to be boxed up and seal so that it is not a hazard to the housekeeping or Refuse disposal crews. The box needs to be clearly labeled as containing broken glass.